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Rhodes Wellness College

wellness coach diploma

How to Use Schema Therapy to Enhance Clients’ Well-Being After Wellness College

A professional wellness coach is tasked with providing instruction and activities to clients that promote physical, emotional, and mental wellness. In your career, you may encounter clients who experience self-defeating thoughts and behaviour patterns. Schemas refer to these unhelpful patterns that...
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Habits That Wellness College Grads Can Recommend for Improving Spiritual Wellness

Wellness has many different dimensions, and while many tend to perceive wellness in terms of physical wellbeing, it goes far beyond just the physical body (Stoewen, 2017). Wellness is derived from a harmony of physical, mental and spiritual health (Stoewen, 2017), making the development of one’s...
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Understanding the Mind-Body Connection As A Wellness College Student

For many years now, scientists and researchers have seen a link between a person’s mind and body. The mind-body connection is how one’s physical well-being is inherently linked with their behaviours and thoughts (Menezes, 2020). This is true in the case of both physical ailments leading to...
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Lifestyle Changes for Lower Blood Pressure: Details for Those in Wellness College

Regulating blood pressure is an important part of maintaining good health since high blood pressure is one of the biggest factors that lead to heart disease (Yang, et al., 2017). Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure is a significant contributing factor to early mortality, and one of the...
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Can You Think Yourself Self Sick? Research for Those Earning a Wellness Coach Diploma

Some individuals might find themselves preoccupied with health concerns, possibly reviewing countless online sources on various health conditions and symptoms. Those who experience this type of concern might be experiencing health anxiety, defined as “a condition that causes healthy people to...
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Accreditation & Recognition

Rhodes Wellness College has been delivering education since 1996, establishing connections within the industries we and our students serve. Committed to maintaining high standards and safeguarding public trust, our programs are accredited and recognized by leading associations that uphold stringent educational standards, ensuring excellence and competency in coaching, counselling, nutrition, and wellness. Please click here to learn more about our accreditation and the recognition we have earned in the field.

  • EQA
  • Imagine
  • CPCA
  • ACCT

  • EQA
  • Imagine
  • CPCA
  • ACCT

Rhodes Wellness College is regulated by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

Designated B.C. Private Training Institutions Branch & Shield Design mark is a certification mark owned by the Government of British Columbia and used under licence. To view our college’s PTIB “Designation Certificate”, please click here