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Rhodes Wellness College

counsellor therapist career

Want to Become a Clinical Counsellor? Common Mental Health Challenges Facing Young People Today

As the years go on, the way youth experience their childhood and adolescence differs drastically from their parents’ experiences. This is due, in part, to social factors and advances in technology that affect the everyday lives of today’s youth (Boyles, 2019). It can be difficult for parents to...
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Performance Anxiety in the Workplace: How You Can Assist Clients as a Clinical Counsellor

Getting anxious about how one is performing at work is a normal emotion. Given the fact that our careers are tied to our income, sense of stability and a large part of our wellbeing, it is understandable that many become nervous about the consequences which could result from making a mistake at...
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A Guide to Horticulture Therapy for Those in Clinical Counsellor Training

The healing power of plants has long been recognized by proponents of horticultural therapy, a practice that has been in place since the 19th century (Williams, 2022). Horticulture, another word for gardening or promoting the growth of plants (SCL Health, 2018), has a greater meaning for some, who...
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The Impact of Remote Work on Mental Health for Those in a Counsellor Therapist Career

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant shift in the work setup of millions of employees, and for many, these changes appear to be around for good. According to Statistics Canada, the number of Canadians working remotely across all sectors rose from 10% in 2018 to 40% in 2020, when the...
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Understanding Imposter Syndrome in Your Counsellor Therapist Career

Have you ever felt like other people think you are capable of more than you actually are? If so, you have probably experienced imposter syndrome, a pattern of thinking which plenty of people experience from time to time (Cleveland Clinic, 2021). Imposter syndrome can be defined as the internal...
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How to Integrate an Individual Life Skills Approach During Your Counsellor Therapist Career

A professional counsellor will be able to assess a client’s needs and help them find successful solutions to promote physical, mental and emotional wellness in their lives. One of the best methods to achieve this is through an individual life skills approach. Life skills are those that help...
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What Those Pursuing a Counsellor Therapist Career Should Know About Agoraphobia

Agoraphobia is typically understood as a type of anxiety disorder (Kivi, 2018), one that can significantly impact the lives of your clients. It generally encompasses “a fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult or that help wouldn’t be available if things go wrong”...
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What Counselling Therapists Should Know About Emotional Support Animals

It’s widely understood that raising and nurturing any kind of domesticated animal, from a dog to a cat, bird, or small rodent, can be beneficial. Many families and individuals appear to understand the enrichment pet ownership can bring to the household, and will attest to the positive impact the...
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How to Help Clients Face Adversity With Counselling Therapist Training

Everyone faces adversity on occasion in their lives. Encountering psychological or physical stress is a shared human experience. However, how people react to stress and adversity is what differentiates us. All humans have varied levels of resilience, defined as the level of mental health problems...
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3 Ways a Counselling Therapist Can Support Clients with PTSD Related to COVID-19

The long-term mental health impacts of the coronavirus pandemic are beginning to be discussed in earnest. Counselling therapists should remain attentive to how the stress and trauma of the pandemic may exacerbate existing mental health problems or create new ones. Epidemic studies research shows...
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Accreditation & Recognition

Rhodes Wellness College has been delivering education since 1996, establishing connections within the industries we and our students serve. Committed to maintaining high standards and safeguarding public trust, our programs are accredited and recognized by leading associations that uphold stringent educational standards, ensuring excellence and competency in coaching, counselling, nutrition, and wellness. Please click here to learn more about our accreditation and the recognition we have earned in the field.

  • EQA
  • Imagine
  • CPCA
  • ACCT

  • EQA
  • Imagine
  • CPCA
  • ACCT

Rhodes Wellness College is regulated by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

Designated B.C. Private Training Institutions Branch & Shield Design mark is a certification mark owned by the Government of British Columbia and used under licence. To view our college’s PTIB “Designation Certificate”, please click here