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How to Help Clients Navigate a New Promotion During Your Life Coach Career

life coach training course

Oftentimes, when people think of their career progression, they might envision quickly reaching a coveted promotion or finally becoming a manager. Sometimes the promotion takes longer than we want it to. In fact, a recent survey found that “more than 75% of Gen Z members believe they should be promoted in their first year… and 32% believe they deserve a promotion within the first six months of working.” (Akhtar, 2019).

Many may believe that the hard work needed to attain their goal is the most difficult aspect of receiving a promotion. However, reaching such a milestone also includes tackling new challenges, dealing with new stressors, and addressing new insecurities.

While a new promotion is certainly worthy of a celebration, it can also be a time of great stress. Life coaches can help their clients navigate this adjustment, helping them adapt to new responsibilities and develop confidence in their capabilities. Here are just some of the ways that a life coach can provide assistance.

Clients May Need Help Taking on Managerial Duties

According to one recent survey, 58% of new managers do not receive any managerial training (Sturt & Nordstrom, 2018). In addition, according to another survey, “87 percent wished they’d had more training before becoming a manager.” (Huhman, 2018) This can lead to a truly intimidating situation, as a client leaves a role they feel confident and comfortable in for a role they may not feel completely prepared for. Some may even find themselves managing former peers or friends, who may have competed for the same role.

In these cases, the transition into management can be especially daunting. A client might feel isolated as they create a professional distance between themselves and former friends. They may also have their decisions challenged, as former peers adapt to the transition.

To help clients during this adjustment period, graduates of life coaching programs can offer plenty of support and guidance. For example, several studies have determined that as much as “79 percent of people who quit their jobs cite ‘lack of appreciation’ as their reason for leaving” (Sturt & Nordstrom, 2018). If your client offers simple words of encouragement and praise to their team, even this small gesture could help ease tensions and aid the transition process.

Encouragement and praise can help team members feel appreciated

Encouragement and praise can help team members feel appreciated

You Can Help Clients Tackle Imposter Syndrome During Your Life Coach Career

Another common challenge that a client may face after a promotion is what is known as “Imposter Syndrome”. This phenomenon often affects high achievers, convincing them that they are simply not worthy of their responsibilities, leaving them feeling like a fraud or an imposter (Dalla-Camina, 2018).

Many high achievers experience imposter syndrome

Many high achievers experience imposter syndrome

Left unchecked, these insecurities can manifest themselves in different ways. Some clients might feel defeated, and worry that a mistake was made and that they simply aren’t a good fit for the role (Black, n.d.). Others might try to prove themselves by refusing to delegate tasks, and instead try to do it all themselves (Huhman, 2018). This can in turn lead to burnout, exacerbating negative feelings.

Fortunately, during your life coach career you can help clients recognize and address these problems. Encouraging clients to talk about their feelings can help them understand what they are facing and realize that such feelings are not reflective of their abilities or accomplishments (Dalla-Camina, 2018). They could also write down past praise and accomplishments, to ensure that they don’t undermine themselves or forget what they have achieved. During periods of doubt or difficulty, remembering these positive moments can help clients avoid negative feelings and continue striving towards their next career goal (Dalla-Camina, 2018).

Another way to assist new managers if to help them take development programs that will help build their communication and coaching skills. If new managers can take a part-time complimentary program, such as an online coaching course, it could help them navigate issues with their new team(s).

Are you interested in completing a life coach training course?

Learn more about the programs available at Rhodes Wellness College.


Works Cited

Akhtar, A. (2019) Gen Z workers expect a promotion after one year on the job, and their bosses are creating new titles and throwing ‘workversary’ parties to keep them happy. Business Insider. Retrieved from: https://www.businessinsider.com/gen-z-workers-expect-quick-promotions-and-better-office-perks-2019-4

Black, M. (n.d.) 3 Common Mistakes Smart People Make After Landing a Big Promotion. The Muse. Retrieved from: https://www.themuse.com/advice/3-common-mistakes-smart-people-make-after-landing-a-big-promotion

Dalla-Camina, M. (2018) The Reality of Imposter Syndrome. Psychology Today. Retrieved from: https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/real-women/201809/the-reality-imposter-syndrome

Huhman, H. (2018) Research Shows That Your First-Time Managers Aren’t Ready to Lead. Now, What? Entrepreneur. Retrieved from: https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/309052

Sturt, D. & Nordstrom, T. (2018) 10 Shocking Workplace Stats You Need To Know. Forbes. Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidsturt/2018/03/08/10-shocking-workplace-stats-you-need-to-know/#27df9448f3af

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