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Rhodes Wellness College

Habits That Wellness College Grads Can Recommend for Improving Spiritual Wellness

Wellness has many different dimensions, and while many tend to perceive wellness in terms of physical wellbeing, it goes far beyond just the physical body (Stoewen, 2017). Wellness is derived from a harmony of physical, mental and spiritual health (Stoewen, 2017), making the development of one’s spiritual wellness an essential component of the attainment of true wellness (The University of Kansas, 2017). Spiritual wellness can be defined in many different ways, but the general concept refers to the attainment of an individual’s inner sense of purpose and understanding of the meaning of life (AAEP, 2021). Cultivating spiritual wellness equips people with a set of principles, ethics, and morals which guide their behaviour, relationships, and general outlook on the world (AAEP, 2021). 

If you’re seeking a career as a professional wellness counsellor, you’ll be helping your clients to develop their spiritual wellness as part of a holistic approach to health. Throughout your career, one of the ways that you can guide your clients to greater overall wellness is by working with them to develop habits that may enhance their spiritual wellness—aligning the person with their sense of purpose and meaning (AAEP, 2021). 

Discover why habits are important for spiritual wellness, and which habits you can recommend to your clients below. 

If You’re in Wellness College, Here’s Why Habits Are Important for Spiritual Wellness

Habits are one of the best ways to cultivate an individual’s spiritual wellness, providing a path for the expression and exploration of one’s spirituality (AAEP, 2021). Habits can be powerful, as they play an important role in shaping our well-being, health, and very existence (Stoewen, 2017). Cultivating habits that benefit one’s spiritual wellness can be difficult, especially as it often involves making changes to day-to-day behaviour and moving away from old habits (Stoewen, 2017). However, after getting your wellness coach diploma, helping your clients to form habits that enhance their spiritual wellness will be important in enabling them to live their lives in a way that aligns with their purpose and morals (AAEP, 2021). 

Developing habits that promote spiritual wellness can help clients change their behaviour for the better

Habits for Improving Spiritual Wellness: Meditation

Meditation is one of the best habits that your clients can develop to improve their spiritual wellness. Meditation is the process of becoming fully present in the current moment (AAEP, 2021), and usually takes place when an individual is resting comfortably in a quiet environment (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2020). Your client’s meditation practice might start with focusing on their breath (Deasley, 2019), while concentrating on maintaining focus and openness (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2020). Meditation facilitates an individual’s capacity to connect with their inner selves and free their mind from any unnecessary judgments or anxieties (The University of Kansas, 2017). Even by getting into the habit of meditating for just fifteen minutes a day, clients can achieve a sense of inner peace and clarity that enhances their spiritual wellness (AAEP, 2021). 

Getting in the habit of meditating can help clients to improve their spiritual wellness

Suggest Gratitude Journaling

Gratitude is an important component of spiritual wellness, as having gratitude enables individuals to maintain a positive attitude and move away from harmful negativity (Relojo-Howell, 2019). Thinking positively is crucial in enabling individuals to reframe the way they perceive their life or situation in a healthy way (The University of Kansas, 2017). After getting your wellness coaching certification, one habit you can teach your clients to adopt is the keeping of a gratitude journal. Gratitude journaling is also a great way to avoid any unhappiness that might come as a result of focusing on what one lacks (Deasley, 2019). By promoting positive thinking and helping your client to focus on what they are thankful for in the present moment, gratitude journaling can inform their sense of purpose and improve their spiritual wellness (Deasley, 2019).

Performing Acts of Service Can Improve Spiritual Wellness

Lastly, spiritual wellness can be cultivated through habits that revolve around serving others (AAEP, 2021). Forming habits such as volunteering regularly or engaging in community service will help your clients to find meaning in their lives and elevate their sense of purpose (AAEP, 2021) This is because helping others provides individuals with an opportunity to further develop the values, ethics, and morals that are fundamental to their spiritual wellness (AAEP, 2021). 

During your wellness coaching career, teaching your clients to cultivate habits that promote spiritual wellness will improve their ability to find their purpose and discover the meaning of life. Remember these spiritual wellness enhancing habits as you guide your clients towards improving their lives.

Ready to help people achieve holistic wellness?

Enroll in wellness college and launch your career today!

Works Cited:

AAEP. (2021). Spiritual Wellness. American Association of Equine Practitioners. https://aaep.org/wellness/spiritual-wellness

Deasley, M. (2019, May 29). 15 Proven Ways to Improve Your Spiritual Wellness and Health. The Resourceful Mother. https://theresourcefulmother.com/improve-your-spiritual-wellness-and-health/#:%7E:text=1%20Breathe.%20Our%20breath%20is%20a%20gift%20we,10%20Have%20a%0reading.%20.%20.%20.%20More%20items.%20.%20.%20

Mayo Clinic Staff. (2020, April 15). Meditation. Mayo Clinic. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/meditation/about/pac-20385120

Relojo-Howell, D. (2019, October 17). 7 Powerful Tips to Improve Your Spiritual Well-being. Psychreg. https://www.psychreg.org/improve-spiritual-well-being/

Stoewen, D. L. (2017). Dimensions of wellness: Change your habits, change your life. The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne, 58(8), 861–862. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5508938/

The University of Kansas. (2017, February 8). Seven Ways to Improve Your Spiritual Health. Faculty and Staff Wellness. https://wellness.ku.edu/seven-ways-improve-your-spiritual-health

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Rhodes Wellness College has been delivering education since 1996, establishing connections within the industries we and our students serve. Committed to maintaining high standards and safeguarding public trust, our programs are accredited and recognized by leading associations that uphold stringent educational standards, ensuring excellence and competency in coaching, counselling, nutrition, and wellness. Please click here to learn more about our accreditation and the recognition we have earned in the field.

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