Youth Counselling

Participants learn the fundamentals of normal development related to children and youth. The course focuses on issues that impact healthy development, and which may result in the onset of problematic behaviour in childhood and adolescence. The importance of developing rapport, mutual trust, and respect when working with young clients is highlighted throughout the course.

Family issues, peer culture, puberty, respect and responsibility, drug and alcohol issues, high-risk behaviour, and aggression are considered during this course. Therapeutic approaches for working with young people are addressed, and assessment and screening tools and their applications will be examined. Students will be provided with the tools necessary to assist youth to navigate the challenging path leading to adulthood and therefore assist them to become healthy, productive and contributing participants in the community.

Course Objectives

This course provides students with academic and experiential learning opportunities. This approach will enable them to practice and strengthen their skills to successfully engage adolescents and youth in a therapeutic process, facilitating positive change and growth.

Through the development of a comprehensive understanding of issues specific to youth and youth at risk, students will learn to assess problem areas and crisis situations and to intervene accordingly. Students will continue to learn the developmental aspects essential for personal growth and self-actualization particular to youth.

Particular attention will be paid to high-risk patterns of behaviour including self-harm, suicide, and aggression toward others. Issues of connectedness with peers, gender identity, criminal involvement, abuse, drug and alcohol use, and school refusal and leaving will be discussed. Providing youth with strategies for the healing of unresolved losses, low self-worth, depression, and family dysfunction will be taught and demonstrated.

Before the end of this course, students will demonstrate the following:

  1. Competence in the areas of assessment and counselling techniques applicable to working effectively with youth
  2. An understanding of theoretical approaches as they relate to intervening effectively and supporting youth to resolve their own crises and developmental tasks
  3. Knowledge of the factors essential to build resilience in young people in order to diminish inappropriate behaviour, establish adequate boundaries with peers, and find positive ways to relate to family and peers
  4. Knowledge of mental health issues facing youth today, including warning signs and appropriate interventions
  5. Awareness of indicators of suicidal ideation, self-harm behavior and clinical depression, and development of the capacity to demonstrate the ability to collaborate with the family to assure the safety of a child or youth

Additional Information

Found in These Programs: Life Skills Counsellor Certificate, Life Coach Diploma, Addiction Counselor Diploma, Wellness Counsellor Diploma, Professional Counsellor Diploma

Course Type: Daytime (FT)

Course Length: 1 week

Course Hours: 30

Prerequisites: COUN 100

Other Requirements: Enrollment in Life Skills Counsellor Certificate or any Diploma program.

Accreditation & Recognition

Rhodes Wellness College has been delivering education since 1996, establishing connections within the industries we and our students serve. Committed to maintaining high standards and safeguarding public trust, our programs are accredited and recognized by leading associations that uphold stringent educational standards, ensuring excellence and competency in coaching, counselling, nutrition, and wellness. Please click here to learn more about our accreditation and the recognition we have earned in the field.

  • EQA
  • Imagine
  • CPCA
  • ACCT

  • EQA
  • Imagine
  • CPCA
  • ACCT

Rhodes Wellness College is regulated by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

Designated B.C. Private Training Institutions Branch & Shield Design mark is a certification mark owned by the Government of British Columbia and used under licence. To view our college’s PTIB “Designation Certificate”, please click here