While life coaching is a relatively new field, it is one that is growing quickly and gaining more and more recognition. In fact, “It is estimated by The International Coach Federation that there are currently 53,300 coaches, up from 47,500 part-time and full-time coaches worldwide in 2011.” (LaRosa, 2018) That high number might leave some wondering whether there is enough room for prospective new coaches to have an impact (LaRosa, 2018). Fortunately, demand for coaching services continues to grow as well (LaRosa, 2018).
In addition, many life coaches choose to specialize within a chosen niche. Students with experience in management, for example, might be ideally suited to becoming executive coaches, while younger professionals might feel most passionate about helping recent graduates establish their careers. By choosing a niche that fits with your interests and abilities, you can provide specialized services and target a specific market, which can be an excellent way to stand out and establish your career.
There are many different niches that life coaches can choose from. If you come from a writing background, or have a passion for writing, your niche could be to coach writers. In fact, writing coaches are becoming increasingly popular and common. Here is a closer examination of this career, and the benefits it offers.
Why Writers Benefit from Coaching
Many people dream of writing a book. In fact, while Canadian figures are lacking, “Pollsters report more than 80 percent of Americans would like to be an author” (Dietrich, 2013). Of those many aspiring writers, however, few ever reach their goal of bringing a book to completion. Time commitments and self-discipline are often to blame. In addition, many writers might feel intimidated by potential critics or self-conscious about sharing their work with others. Others may feel discouraged when editing their work or when significant changes need to be made to their story. For those writing a memoir, the subject matter of their book might also be emotionally difficult to navigate.
Many writers experience writer’s block
Even established writers can have difficult patches or feel overwhelmed by pressure from fans and critics. The Guardian has noted that George RR Martin, the writer behind the hugely popular A Song of Ice and Fire series, has felt that “the rise in fame and popularity that came with the television adaptation Game of Thrones has become a ‘considerable weight to bear’.” (Cain, 2018)
Once a book has been completed, many writers often face new challenges and difficulties, as rejection is particularly common for those seeking a publisher. Judy Blume, for example, “got nothing but rejections for two straight years” before eventually achieving success (Dietrich, 2013). Even Steven King had his first novel rejected 30 times before it was finally published. (Dietrich, 2013) Because of all these emotionally draining challenges, many writers are turning to the services of writing coaches.
Helping Writers During Your Life Coach Career
The pressures and demands of writing make it a field that greatly benefits from the expertise of a graduate from life coach school. Writing coaches help clients develop an action plan, and hold them accountable to the goals they set (Nichol, n.d.). Whether through weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly meetings, they help to make sure clients stay on target. However, while goal setting is an important part of the services that writing coaches offer, their support often extends beyond this alone.
Writing coaches also sometimes call themselves book doulas (Paiella, 2017). There is an important reason for this. Just as a traditional doula helps to care for the emotional wellbeing of their client, a book doula is also there to provide encouragement and emotional support (Mecking, 2017). When a client feels vulnerable or discouraged, their writing coach can help them navigate these feelings and continue working towards their goals (Mecking, 2017). During your life coach career, you can offer accountability, and hold your clients to their goals and deadlines. However, this is also balanced with encouragement, as you also empower them to continue striving for what they want.
Writing coaches can help clients navigate creative and emotional setbacks
In addition, writing coaches may also include editing services or offer feedback on the creative direction of a client’s work. If a client is experiencing writer’s block, their writing coach can help them brainstorm new ideas and find a fitting solution (Life Coach Hub, n.d.). Some writing coaches may even help their clients pitch their work to an agent or a publisher. For this reason, a writing background and a passion for writing is important to choosing this coaching niche.
Would you like to train for a career as a life coach?
Learn more about the life coach training course offered at Rhodes Wellness College.
Works Cited
Cain, S. (2018) ‘I’ve been struggling with it’: George RR Martin on The Winds of Winter. The Guardian. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/nov/10/game-of-thrones-george-rr-martin-the-winds-of-winter-interview Dietrich, W. (2013) The Writer’s Odds of Success. HuffPost. Retrieved from: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-writers-odds-of-succe_b_2806611
LaRosa, J. (2018) U.S. Personal Coaching Industry Tops $1 Billion, and Growing. Retrieved from: https://blog.marketresearch.com/us-personal-coaching-industry-tops-1-billion-and-growing
Life Coach Hub (n.d.) Find a Writing Coach. Retrieved from: https://www.lifecoachhub.com/writing-coach
Mecking, O. (2017) Book doulas: the new way to push your writing into the world. The Guardian. Retrieved from: https://www.theguardian.com/books/shortcuts/2017/sep/06/book-doulas-the-new-way-to-push-your-writing-into-the-world
Nichol, M. (n.d.) The Role of a Writing Coach. Daily Writing Tips. Retrieved from: https://www.dailywritingtips.com/the-role-of-a-writing-coach/
Paiella, G. (2017) You Can Now Hire a ‘Book Doula’. The Cut. Retrieved from: https://www.thecut.com/2017/09/book-doulas-publishing-writing.html