Are you considering a career in professional counselling but unsure whether this path will lead to success? Look to social and economic trends for your answer. Society, government, and Canadians on an individual basis are recognizing and respecting the benefits of therapy and mental wellness programs across the nation, making it an ideal time to become a counselling professional. Read on to learn why now is a great time to follow your counselling career.
De-Stigmatizing Efforts Have Brought Mental Wellness to the Mainstream
While there is more progress to be made, the broad acceptance of those seeking mental wellness help has improved dramatically in recent years. Nationwide initiatives like the Bell ‘Let’s Talk Day’ and the Canadian Mental Health Association’s ‘Not Myself Today’ campaign is helping the country shed its stigma around people who seek help for mental wellness.

Even the commercial market has begun to recognize the public’s interest in mental health, evidenced by the mainstream success of yoga and meditation classes, mobile apps for mental wellness, and the much-lauded anti-stress colouring books for adults.
Whereas taking care of one’s mental and emotional well-being was once a private matter, self-care is becoming increasingly more accepted and respected. This means that those with professional counsellor training are being sought by a growing client base of those open and willing to receive help and support.
Canadians Need Support from Those with Professional Counsellor Training
Encouragement and financial endorsement from the federal government are making job opportunities for counsellors all that more accessible. When many counsellor training career paths lead toward government-funded organizations like community centres, hospitals, and clinics, the government’s commitment to supporting these professionals is a welcome boost for the counselling sector.
With the right training, you can address this critical need, and help guide Canadians toward their best, healthiest, and most fulfilling lives. As the stigma against mental illness melts away, our government voices its support for counselling professionals, and people recognize the need to seek help, there is no better time to begin a rewarding career providing these valuable services.
Would you like to fill this need and become a counsellor yourself? Visit Rhodes for more information about getting started.