Rhodes Wellness College has been providing high quality professional education since 1996. Over this period we have built strong relationships within the industries we and our students serve.
We believe in upholding high standards to protect the public, which is why our programs align with associations that carry educational standards ensuring quality competency in the coaching, counselling, nutrition, and wellness professions.

International Coaching Federation
The International Coaching Federation is the world’s largest coaching certifying organization and is dedicated to advancing the coaching profession by setting high standards, providing independent certification and building a worldwide network of trained coaching professionals. Rhodes Wellness College is a Level 1 approved education partner of ICF and both our Part-Time Life Coaching Certificate or Full-Time Life Skills Certificate meet the educational requirements for both Associate Certified Coach (ACC) and Professional Certified Coach (PCC) designations with ICF. For more information about ICF, visit: coachingfederation.org
Canadian Professional Counsellor Association
The Canadian Professional Counsellor Association: Rhodes Wellness College is an Associate Member of the Canadian Professional Counsellors Association (CPCA). We work with the CPCA to help our students meet the requirements to become Registered Professional Counsellors (RPC’s). For more information, visit cpca-rpc.ca.
Graduates of the Professional Counselling Diploma Program can apply to the CPCA upon passing their entrance exam to become a Registered Professional Counsellor-Candidate (RPC-C). Rhodes Wellness College provides supervision for one year following graduation to help our graduates reach full Registered Professional Counsellor (RPC) status. Our long relationship with the CPCA is evidence of our desire for graduates to abide by a strong code of ethics and high level of professional standards. This, combined with over 1,700 hours of experiential learning, will help you become an effective, safe, and competent counsellor in supporting individuals and groups.
Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada
The Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists of Canada: Rhodes Wellness College is an Associate School member of the Association of Cooperative Counselling Therapists (ACCT). For more information about ACCT and it’s benefits, please visit acctcounsellor.com
Graduates of the Professional Counselling Diploma Program can apply to become a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor – Candidate (RTC-C). Rhodes Wellness College provides help to our graduates through supervision for one year following graduation to help reach full Registered Therapeutic Counsellor (RTC) status. Our relationship with the ACCT is evidence of our desire for graduates to abide by a strong code of ethics and high level of professional standards. This, combined with over 1,700 hours of experiential learning, will help you become an effective, safe, and competent counsellor in supporting individuals and groups.
Health Coach Alliance
The Health Coach Alliance is a powerful force for the wellness industry, and is uniting thousands of Registered Health Coaches™ (RHC™), Registered Health & Nutrition Counsellors™ (RHNC™), and Registered Holistic Nutrition Practitioners™ across North America. For more information, visit healthcoachalliance.ca
Graduates of the Professional Integrative Nutrition Diploma Program are recognized by and can register with the HCA. By gaining an HCA designation, Rhodes Wellness College graduates will find they have the support of an industry association that provides many resources to help through continuing education, strategic alliances with industry, liability insurance, networking, mentoring, and more. Being a part of HCA will help Professional Integrative Nutrition Diploma graduates establish themselves with a high level of ethics and professionalism as they join a community of supporters trying to influence the world through healthy eating and living.
Canadian Association for Integrative Nutrition
The Canadian Association for Integrative Nutrition (CAIN) is a professional association founded on the principle that the Nutrition and Wellness industry needs a unified voice. In an ever-changing and unregulated industry it is more important than ever to have a specified standard of education and continual learning opportunities to ensure credibility and industry growth.
Graduates of the Professional Integrative Nutrition Diploma Program are recognized by and can apply to the Canadian Association for Integrative Nutrition for the designation of Registered Health & Nutrition Counselor™ (RHNC). By gaining the CAIN RHNC designation, Rhodes Wellness College graduates can demonstrate to the world that they have advanced training in the unique combination of holistic nutrition and counselling and that they will follow a high level of standards and practice ethically and professionally.. This integrated approach is what is needed to make a strong and positive impact in helping others live happier and healthier lives.
End of Life Doula Association of Canada
The End-of-Life Doula program at Rhodes Wellness College is accredited by the End of Life Doula Association of Canada. This accreditation results from a comprehensive and thorough evaluation of the educational program, ensuring it meets the high standards set by the association. Click here to view the accreditation letter.
Education Quality Assurance
The Education Quality Assurance (EQA) designation is available to public and private institutions in B.C. that meet or exceed quality assurance standards set by the province of B.C. Rhodes Wellness College has met or exceeded provincial government standards to become recognized as an EQA designated institution. Education Quality Assurance (EQA) designation was established by the province of British Columbia (BC) and is administered by the British Columbia Council for International Education (BCCIE). For more information, visit British Colombia’s Education Quality Assurance designation.
Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills
Rhodes Wellness College is a designated institution by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.
This regulatory agency was created by the provincial government to regulate private institutions through the Private Training Institutions Act. The PTIRU protects students through a rigorous approval process. Students are also protected by the Student Training Completion Fund, an insurance plan to protect students. For more information please visit privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca. To view the PTIB Certificate, please click here.
British Columbia Career Colleges Association
Rhodes Wellness College is a member of the British Columbia Career Colleges Association (BCCCA). This association strives to ensure excellence in private post secondary education. The aim is to ensure that the private education and training industry is recognized for the high level of service delivery, commitment to quality, and student satisfaction that the sector delivers to consumers. BCCCA member schools adhere to a Code of Ethics and are committed to providing students with individual care and attention throughout their studies, and as they graduate and search for employment. For more information, visit bccca.com
EduCanada is a brand that supports the international education offerings of Canada’s provinces and territories. The EduCanada brand is the result of collaboration between the provinces and territories through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC) and Global Affairs Canada. The EduCanada website provides information to international students about studying in Canada. For more information, visit educanada.ca
Learn more about Rhodes Wellness College accreditations and credentials by contacting us or by calling us at 604-708-4416.