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Rhodes Wellness College

4 Professional Opportunities to Explore After Nutritionist School

Nutrition professionals play a vital role in the health and wellness of individuals no matter what they are going through. Students who graduate from Rhodes Wellness College with a Professional Integrative Nutrition Diploma are equipped to work in a wide variety of roles within the food, wellness, and health industries, as well as own their own private practices in the nutrition and coaching industries.

Graduates from this program are proficient in not only professional nutritionist skills but also professional counselling skills. This combination allows students to serve their clients better–whether they are working with the general population or a more vulnerable population, such as those experiencing trauma or addiction. Having the guidance of a professional nutritionist who also knows how to help the client cope using healthy tools leaves more room for long-term success. Continue reading to discover all of the roles you could fill with a diploma from Rhodes Wellness College.

1. Nutrition Educator

Work as a nutrition educator may come in many different forms, including working in schools, in the community doing outreach, and in the personal lives of individuals (Indeed, 2021). If you pursue this route after your nutritionist program, then you’ll spend the majority of your time providing training and information on healthy living, specifically pertaining to nutrition (Indeed, 2021). Some skills that make a great nutrition educator include personal health promotion and maintenance, professional presentation skills, excellent communication tactics, active listening, and research skills (Indeed, 2021). Earning your diploma from Rhodes Wellness College will immerse you into an integrative approach to the art and science of nutrition while diving into professional counselling skills. Not only will the professional counselling courses help you improve these specific skills needed for a role as a nutrition educator, but they will also help you identify any issues in your target population that stem from non-nutrition sources, allowing you to provide more comprehensive advice.

Working in the community, nutrition educators are vital to individual and community health.

2. Nutrition Consultant

The role of a nutrition consultant is similar to a nutrition educator. This public health position aligns nutrition professionals with public policy and usually consists of an interprofessional team working together to reach desirable outcomes for the community (Careers in Public Health.net, n.d.). Health concerns remain a top priority for many communities that allocate fiscal budgets to the cause, which is where the position of a nutrition consultant comes into play (Careers in Public Health.net, n.d.). Working with many policies and programs already in place, the nutrition consultant can maximize nutrition information delivery to the community and work with individuals and groups to help them reach their nutritional needs and goals (Careers in Public Health.net, n.d.). After your program, you’ll have experience and confidence in working with both individuals and groups to help them reach their personal needs through the use of professional nutrition and counselling skills. 

3. Wellness Manager

If you’re looking for more of a corporate position, then the role of a Wellness Manager may be perfect for you. In this role, you can expect to work for a company or organization to manage the overall health and wellness of a group of employees (Zippia, n.d.). A wellness manager may specifically work on a number of projects depending on the company, including organizing health and wellness events such as blood drives, CPR training, wellness retreats, and more (Zippia, n.d.). The wellness manager also checks in with employees regularly to assess their wellness, give advice, and share opportunities and recommendations for how they may better support their personal health and wellness. The combined nutrition and counselling background here is especially important, as the environment of a corporate wellness setting requires strong professionalism as well as communication and interpersonal skills.

4. Become a Life Coach After Nutritionist School

Becoming a life coach after nutritionist school is another excellent option, allowing you to work in a number of different environments to assist individuals and/or groups in reaching their personal and professional goals (Cherry, 2022). As a life coach, you can expect to help clients clarify their goals, create action plans, and follow up on their progress as time goes on (Cherry, 2022). Some of your future clients may be going through a significant life change, such as a new career, and others may simply be looking to optimize their current situation (Cherry, 2022). Either way, your nutrition knowledge will play an essential role in this career as you help others navigate the best possible ways to maximize the benefits they receive from different areas of their lives, including nutrition. Life coach positions may be in a corporate setting, a private practice, mental health, addiction, sports, and more (Cherry, 2022). The wide range of opportunities as a life coach makes this an exciting and rewarding option for many Rhodes Wellness College graduates.

Are you ready to begin your nutritionist course?

Contact Rhodes Wellness College to learn how you can get started.

Accreditation & Recognition

Rhodes Wellness College has been delivering education since 1996, establishing connections within the industries we and our students serve. Committed to maintaining high standards and safeguarding public trust, our programs are accredited and recognized by leading associations that uphold stringent educational standards, ensuring excellence and competency in coaching, counselling, nutrition, and wellness. Please click here to learn more about our accreditation and the recognition we have earned in the field.

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